Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Let's Participate...

Answer these surveys to help our fifth grade friends develop the themes of their exhibitions, follow these links:

Survey Animal Abuse

Monday, September 18, 2017

Show Me Who You Are

How do I Express My  Self Through Art

Using ART to express something...

We all have different ways to express ourselves, a thought, an idea, a project, a feeling, an emotion, a believe, a story, a fact, and many other subjetcs... and even who we are! Art in its different forms is an easy, and beautiful way to express what we want to... and show it! Check this out!

Ways of Expression: 

3°A - 2014         3°B - 2014         3°C - 2014         3°D - 2014

3°A - 2016         3°B - 2016         3°C - 2016         3°D - 2016

Class Activity

Think about something you want to express and do it with Art! Go to youtube and find something new in contemporary art... it could be illusionism, a dance, an acting, a mimo, art with shadows o a sand artwork, etc...

To improve your search consider this words:

Go to your class wall and share something creating a post showing an art expression. Check the first post and follow the example.





Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Exploration: Consequences of Exploration

Columbian Exchange

When European explorer Christopher Columbus landed on the island he named San Salvador, he began a trade known as the Columbian Exchange.

What is an exchange?
How did the Columbian exchange work?
Why did this exchange occur?
How the Columbian exchange is connected to my country?
How would be our culture without this exchange?

Exploration Clips

Christopher Columbus

Columbian Exchange - Brainpop

Columbian Exchange for Kids

The Columbian Exchange Changed the World

*video time 20'

Think about the Columbian Exchange in terms of:
Plants, food, animals and deseases.

Columbian Exchange - Class Activity

1. Get an item by picking a paper from the teacher's box.
2. Find out the following information about the item:
        a. It came from New/Old World to Old/New World.
        b. Description (how it looks, size, color, texture, taste, etc...)
        c. Facts: It is healthy because... It helps to... It is good for...
3. Create a post in your class virtual wall, must show your name and last name, picture of the item, where does it come from, description and facts.

Informatonal Links

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Choose a word and find its relationship with Netiquette

What is Netiquette?
Netiquette is a set of rules for how to behave online.

How does Netiquette work? Does it have any rules?
How is Netiquette related to E-mail?
Does Netiquette work for WhatsApp? How?
How can we apply Netiquette?
What is our responsibility?
Are Netiquette and real life etiquette similar?
What is your point of view?

Netiquette Rules when Sending E-mails

1. An important rule to remember is not to share your email address with someone you don't know in real life.
2. Try to keep your password secret.
3. Always make sure your spelling is correct, re read what you have written before you click send.
4. Avoid using all caps, it is like yelling.
5. Avoid hurting someone's feelings by email, be careful and try not to make jokes or using inappropriate words in an email.
6. Respect other people's online rights and privacy.
7. Do not insult people by email. If someone insults you, be calm and take a time before you answer.

I understand that if I don't follow any part of this commitment my AL mail will be restricted.

Are Netiquette and real life etiquette similar?
In many ways, digital etiquette and the etiquette of the real world are the same. Both emphasize good manners and treating others with courtesy and respect.

Netiquette - Class Activity

Create a document about Netiquette in MS Word: "My Netiquette Commitment".
Follow the instructions given by the teacher and complete the checklist.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Environmental Issues

Look at this picture carefully:

Look at the picture and think about all you see...

Look at these pictures and make a relationship between e-waste and the different types of pollution.

Find the differences between a proper and an improper e-waste recycling system.

Read these questions an make a reflection:

What is E-waste? 

Why E-waste is growing up every year? 

Where does E-waste go? Why? 

How is E-waste connected to other types of pollution? 

What would be the solutions to stop E-waste from growing up?

What is your responsibility? How can you help? 

Explain the "life cycle" of an electronic. 

Find the answers to the questions by watching these videos:

ElectronicWaste in Ghana (Greenpeace International)

ElectronicsTake Back Coaliton (How kids can help solve the ewaste problem)

E-waste - Class Activity

Go to MS Word and create a document about E-waste, consider the following questions:

What is E-waste? 
Why E-waste is growing up every year? 
Where does E-waste go? Why? 
How is E-waste connected to other types of pollution? 
What would be the solutions to stop E-waste from growing up?
What is your responsibility? How can you help? 
Explain the "life cycle" of an electronic. 
What is your point of view? Give your opinion =)

E-waste Information Wall

*Check the settings according to the teachers' checklist:

Friday, June 9, 2017

Here, there, water everywhere: The World's Water

Distribution and Availability of Usable Water

Take care of water
The World's Water

"Water, water everywhere..." for water this phrase is really true. Earth's water is almost everywhere, above the Earth, in the air and clouds, on the Earth as rivers, oceans, ice and plants, and inside the Earth, few miles under the ground.

Taken from

Water - Class Activity

Share the Class in 4 groups.

Group 1: Groundwater

  1. What is groundwater?
  2. Why does the groundwater stay underground?
  3. For how long groundwater have been underground?
  4. How does the ground keep water in it?
  5. What is an aquifer?
  6. How do people and communities get water from underground?
  7. How much do we depend of groundwater?

Group 2: Icecaps, Glaciers, Rivers and Lakes

  1. What are glaciers? 
  2. How a glacier is formed?
  3. Where is the majority of glaciers located?
  4. Do glaciers move?
  5. What are rivers? 
  6. How do rivers form?
  7. Mention the 3 longest rivers in the world.
  8. What are lakes?
  9. How lakes are formed?
  10. Tell about the deepest and the highest lakes in the world.
  11. Mention the effects of ice age pluvial-lakes

Group 3: Distribution of the Water in the World

  1. How many people in the world have no access to clean water?
  2. What are the consequences of using unclean (contaminated) water?
  3. What are the regions of the world that suffer lack of water supply?
  4. What are the regions in the world where people consume more water?
  5. How much water per day should a person really use?
  6. From the world's usable water, how much goes to agricultural, industrial and domestic use?

Group 4: Distribución del agua en el Perú

  1. Cómo está distribuída el agua en el Perú?
  2. Cuál es la principal fuente de agua para la ciudad de Lima?
  3. Cuáles son las alternativas de conseguir agua potable para las personas en Lima que no tienen acceso al agua?
  4. Cuáles son las consecuencias de tomar agua contaminada?
  5. Cómo la ubicación de la ciudad de Lima es un problema para abastecer de agua a sus pobladores?
  6. Cuál es la recomendación de la OMS sobre el uso de agua por persona?
  7. Menciona las formas en las que se puede desperdiciar el agua potable.
  8. Cuáles son los distritos en Lima con menos acceso al agua potable?
  9. Cómo se puede motivar a las personas para un uso adecuado del agua?

All students in the group must create an individual informational MS Word document considerin the questions above.

Online Informational Resources:

Pictures Organization:


Second Class Activity - Informational Document

Title: Niño Costero 2017


¿Qué es el Niño costero?
¿Con qué frecuencia sucede? ¿Cuándo sucedió por última vez?
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el Niño Costero y el Fenómeno del Niño?
¿Cuáles fueron las causas?
¿Cuáles fueron las ciudades y pueblos más afectados en Perú?
¿Qué debe hacer el Gobierno para prevenir futuros impactos?
¿Cuáles fueron las consecuencias de este fenómeno?

*Check the settings according to the teachers' checklist:

Friday, May 19, 2017

Copyright - Who owns our creative work?

We Own Our Creative Work :D

What is Copyright?

Examples of Creative Work:

How does the Copyright work?

Copyright Idea's Organizer

Copyright - Class Activity

Create a document about Copyright, consider all questions given, find the answers in the informational resources given by the teacher.
Work according to the checklist for the document.


1. What is Copyright?

2. What is a creative work?
    Examples of Creative Work:

3. How does the Copyright work?

4. Why Copyright was created or established?

5. What is "fair use"?

6. What do the little "R" and TM mean?

7. How is Copyright connected to authors and artist?

8. How is Copyright connected to users?

9. What is our responsibility as users of the website's information?

10. What is the public domain?

11. How do you cite a resource from Internet?

Informational Resources:

Videos for Extra Information:

Follow these readings: